Wednesday, December 14, 2011

yet to come.

i had
finally finish sewing my collection around the beginning of last week,

but yet...

the torture of toothache
came hunting me from the next day onwards...
i had suffered great pain and finally i gave up and went to the dentist and did three teeth extractions. (OMG)
i must say i have to terminate all my works that i wished to do
toothache gone, headache come.
my head get heavy and dizzy all the times so i had been laying on bed like 20hoursaday.
continuously.. till yesterday i thought i felt better , but not.
today, i still get the dizziness now doing all these typing.

dizzy dizzy go away i can't tempt to do anything when you're around!
i really wish to do those specs and costs things for my garments so i can put them online sooooon.

christmas is just around the corner! wish my teeth ain't any big deal for me to chew all those yummy-licious food i can't wait. i have been hungering since i can't do any chewing , sad.